Monday 6 October 2008

United Kingdom Plc's public transport is amazing

It was sheer fluke that I managed to drag myself out of bed early enough to make it to St Pancras to catch the train that was scheduled before the one I usually take to work. It wasn't much fuss as I boarded one of the carriages when an announcement was made that this train would stop at Kentish Town, the next station. Busily engrossed with the morning's depressing newspaper in hand, I absent-mindedly assumed that the train would just make a stop, since the announcement made no mention of 'termination'.

The bitch ended up terminating at Kentish Town, much to my dismay. To add insult to rapidly souring mood, the train that I usually use on my commute passed by on the next platform as it was the fast train. An announcement soon followed, to the tune of "replacement train will come to pick you up to your destination".

Being very fed up, I crossed over and took the opposite train back to St Pancras and waited half an hour for the next train to work.

It was delayed at Kentish Town again for about 10 minutes...

I have already given up at this point and texted my boss to tell him I was going to be 45 minutes late. He rang back and to tell me he wasn't coming in due to illness...

Fairly eventful first 3 hours of the day, I must say. You would have thought a first world country would have had public transport operations sussed out by now. Typical that any reforms, changes, improvements and what nots have to be debated left right and centre till everyone's blue in the face, shelved on the backburner for years and finally put into place with tonnes of unnecessary faff.


The Poor Medic said...

Cycle. Shorten your life.

Chee said...

Motorise that bicycle and shorten it even more!

Kim said...

Sleep in. :D

saru-kun said...

CANNOT! i has to please the boss =.=